Your Notification of Property Value
This notice shows the change in market, assessed and taxable values of your property. If you disagree with your valuation, now is the time to contact us at 561.355.2866.
If we are unable to resolve the matter, this is your opportunity to file a petition with the Value Adjustment Board through the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller. They can be reached at 561.355.6289.
An Explanation of Any Exemptions
Any exemptions or assessment reductions are spelled out on the front of your notice. If you have questions about your exemptions, contact us at 561.355.2866.
Your Chance to Have a Say in Your Tax Rates
The notice shows proposed millages, or tax rates, for each taxing authority, as well as information about each authority’s budget hearing, so that you are empowered to participate in the process of setting your tax rates.