Virginia Leonard
CFE - Manager
This site offers extensive data and reports for free, whether through the various search options or the full tax roll reports available below. In addition, Public Services provides formatted reports from our Geographical Information System (GIS) and appraisal systems.
We offer several reports, including:
- Real Property Data Files
- Subdivision Lists
- Preliminary & Certified Tax Roll Reports
- Computer Mass Appraisal (CAMA) Files
- Address Labels
- Variance Requests
- Radius Map Sets
- Owners Lists
- Current Aerials
We are also able to create customized, specialized reports and maps based on your needs. Fees for reports and programming are listed below.
A Data Run for largescale information is available in report or label formats or a mixture of formats. Please note the specific information requested, such as assessed value, city code or property use code.
Click here for Data Request form
Click here for Public Services Customer Information and Notice
You may return completed forms in person or:
- By mail to the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office, Public Services Support, 1st floor, 301 N. Olive Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL, 33401
- By email: pa-pubsvc@pbcpao.gov
- By fax: 561.355.1528
Prices are subject to change and will be reviewed periodically for accuracy. Updated: August 1, 2023
These are large files with many records.
File | Schedule | Description | Download Link |
CAMA- PAS405E File |
Published in August and November Last updated November 2024 |
The CAMA (Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal) file is a multi-record fixed format file (also available in comma-separated value (csv) format). Each parcel has a unique number identifier (PARID). A layout of each record type is included with the file. The file is not self-extracting. The 2023 parcel count is approximately 652,934 parcels with up to 8 record types per parcel. |
Standard Format CSV Format |
NAL-AA File (701E) AA File Real Property File |
Published in August and November Last updated November 2024 Also, upon request for a fee |
The AA file is a fixed length record, non-delimited file (also available in comma-separated values (csv) format). The file contains four records per parcel (five records per parcel after Certified Tax Roll). Each parcel has a unique identifier (PARID). A layout of each record type is included with the file. The file is not self-extracting. The 2023 parcel count is approximately 652,934 parcels. |
REC10 Standard Format / REC10 CSV REC20 Standard Format / REC20 CSV REC35 Standard Format / REC35 CSV REC36 Standard Format / REC36 CSV REC40 Standard Format / REC40 CSV |
DR 590 (12D8) |
Published in April for prior year Final Tax Roll, and July, August, and November Last updated November 2024 |
The NAL, Real Property, 12D-8 file is a variable length record, comma-separated values (csv) file. The file contains one record per parcel, with a variable record length. Each parcel has a unique number identifier (PARID). A link to the layout is included with the file. The file is not self-extracting. The 2023 parcel count is approximately 652,934 parcels. | CSV |
Tangible (Personal) Property Tax Roll (12D8) |
Published in April for prior year Final Tax Roll, and August and November Last updated November 2024 |
The NAP, Tangible (Personal) Property, 12D-8 file is a variable length record, comma-separated values (csv) file. The file contains one record per account, with a variable record length. Each account has a unique number identifier (Account Identification Code). A link to the layout is included with the file. The file is not self-extracting. The 2023 count is approximately 58,584 records. | CSV |
Situs File |
Published in August and November Last updated November 2024 Also, upon request for a fee |
The Situs File is a fixed length file. The file contains the address of each parcel. Each parcel has a unique number identifier (PARID). A file layout of is included with the file. The file is not self-extracting. The 2023 parcel count is approximately 652,934 parcels. | Standard format |
All Ownership File |
Published in August and November Last updated November 2024 Also, upon request for a fee |
The All Owner file is comma-separated values (csv) formatted file. The file contains the non-confidential owner names for each parcel. Each parcel has a unique number identifier (PARID). The file is not self-extracting. | CSV |
Vector File |
Published in August and November Last updated November 2024 |
The Vector file is a comma-separated values (csv) formatted file. The file contains the parcel, associated card, line, class, subarea description, and vector string. Each parcel has a unique number identifier (PARID). There may be multiple records per parcel. The file is not self-extracting. | CSV |
* NOTE: The above files are free. However, requests for these files in an alternate format or at a different time period will incur a fee. For an alternate format, the Excel/PDF formatting rate is $25 per file. For on-demand reporting, the programming fee is $77 per hour. Please contact us for further details and pricing.
Pools and Spas | Text File Available in CD-Rom, Hard Copy or Label Format. It is suggested that customers order this file as a hard copy report or labels. The file is a variable length text file. | These or any data run that needs no programming and where the data is available on one of the above referenced files: • $.0005 cent per parcel plus media costs (print lines/labels/CD) |
Master Subdivision Book | This file contains all of the subdivisions in the county and is available as an Excel spread sheet or hard copy report. | |
Building Traverse Reports |
Reports that require access to data that is NOT on one of the flat files
Customers with special programming requests are encouraged to purchase the flat file to create their own query. If programming is still requested, costs would include:
- Programming at $77.00/hour
- $.0005 cent per parcel
- Media costs (print lines/labels/CD)
CD with case | $1.75 |
CD/DVD Technical Services | $15.00 |
These reports consist of information from a radius around a central point. For example, all the homes within one mile of a school location. These reports can be created on our website, using the Map Search.
There are costs if you would like us to print or create these files for you.
Map 8 ½” x 11” 8 ½” x 14” |
$2.00 |
Map 11” x 17” |
$3.50 |
Mailing Labels | $9.50 per thousand labels |
Print Lines | $2.50 per thousand print lines |
For properties located within city limits, contact the city’s Planning, Zoning, and Building Department (contact list here). For properties in unincorporated Palm Beach County, contact the Palm Beach County Planning, Zoning, and Building Department at 561.233.5000.
For properties located within city limits, contact the city’s Permit Department. We maintain a list of municipal permit departments here. For properties in unincorporated Palm Beach County, contact the Palm Beach County Permit Center.
Contact the Palm Beach County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller at 561.355.2996.
Contact the Palm Beach County Tax Collector’s Office at 561.355.2264.