Several exemptions are available to Palm Beach County residents. For more information on each of these, click the links provided or visit Additional Exemptions.

Do You Qualify brochure

Exemption Type Amount of Exemption Approximate Annual Property Tax Savings Qualifying Requirements
Homestead $25,000 $500 Own a residence as of January 1. Proof of residency: Florida driver's license, voter registration, vehicle registration
Homestead Additional Varies Varies Same as above; assessed value of at least $50,000
Widow/Widower $5,000 $100-$120 Death certificate
Limited Income Senior Citizen exemption
In addition to the county-wide exemption, some municipalities offer additional tax savings
$25,000 $120 Proof of age 65 years or older; annual Statement of Gross Income; Household income must be below an income limitation§
Super Senior Citizen Exemption - cities of Boynton Beach and Delray Beach only Exempt from ad valorem taxation of Boynton Beach Levies only Varies Meet the qualifications of the limited income senior citizen exemption; maintained ownership and have been a permanent residence of the property for at least 25 years; property with a market value of less than $250,000 at the time of application
Veteran Combat-Related Disability Discount to ad valorem taxes to % of disability* Varies Form DD-214‡; Proof of age 65 years or older; documentation of honorable discharge; proof of combat-related disability‡; Form DR-501DV
Service Connected Disabled Veteran (10% - 90%) $5,000 $100-$120 E-Benefits letters from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Total and Permanent Service Connected Disabled Veteran Exempt from ad valorem taxation* Total E-Benefits letters from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Deployed Military Service Varies depending on length of time deployed Varies Form DR-501M†; Be deployed on active duty in specified conflicts during the preceding calendar year outside the continental United States, Alaska, or Hawaii
Veteran Exemption for Surviving Spouse of a deceased veteran who qualified for a disabled veteran exemption $5,000 $100-$120 A letter from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Surviving Spouse of Military Veteran or First Responder who died in the line of duty Exempt from ad valorem taxation* Total Documentation from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or first responder agency
Disabled First Responder Exempt from ad valorem taxation* Total Employed as first responder by a Florida agency; Disabled "in the line of duty"; Deemed disabled to a degree of Total and Permanent Unemployable; Disability documentation from the Social Security Administration or Florida Retirement System; Two professionally unrelated Florida physicians letters; A certificate from the organization or supervisor that employed the first responder
Civilian Total and Permanent Disability or Legally Blind $5,000 $100-$120 Form DR-416B† signed by a Florida physician, VAFL 27-444‡, or Social Security Administration letter
Civilian Total and Permanent Disability Wheelchair for mobility (income restricted) Legally blind (income restricted) Exempt from ad valorem taxation*
Annual Renewal
Total Two Florida physician certifications; Statement of Gross Income; Form DR-501A†; Household income must be below an income limitation.§
Paraplegic/Hemiplegic Wheelchair for mobility (income restricted) Exempt from ad valorem taxation*
Annual Renewal
Total Two Florida physician certifications; Statement of Gross Income; DR-501A†; Household income must be below an income limitation.§
Quadriplegic Exempt from ad valorem taxation* Total Two Florida physician certifications; Form DR-416

*Must pay non ad valorem assessments

†Forms beginning with the prefix DR are available online or at any Palm Beach County Property Appraiser office.

‡For more information, contact the Palm Beach County Veteran Services office at 561.355.4761.

§Income limitation is set by the Department of Revenue. To qualify for 2025, the Household Income limit for the Senior Citizen Exemption is $37,694 (AGI). The Household Income limit for Civilian Total and Permanent and Paraplegic/Hemiplegic is $36,745 (Gross Income). Eligibility is based on the prior year's income.